Author Archives: Simona

Latvian Midsummer Festival

If you haven’t found a place to celebrate the summer solstice yet, it’s not too late. Here, on the picturesque Black Forest peak of Teufelsmühle, you can experience the taste, smell and feel of Latvia.The Teufelsmühle guesthouse is situated at … Read More

Opening Hours on 30th of May

We are open on Corpus Christi at our usual hours, 11:30 until 18:00.

Opening Hours on 20th of May

We are open on White Monday at our usual hours, 11:30 until 18:00.

Opening hours on 9th of May

On the 9th of May we are open during our usual opening hours.

Opening Hours on 1st of May, Labor Day

On the 1st of May we are open during our usual opening hours.

A Musical Afternoon at the Teufelsmühle / Muzikālā pēcpusdiena Velna Dzirnavās

LATVIAN: Mūziķis no Latvijas, Reinis Jaunais, dodas koncerttūrē un ieradīsies vienā no skaistākajām kalnu virsotnēm Ziemeļu Švarcvaldē! Paņemiet draugus vai ģimeni, dodieties īsā pārgājienā, izbaudiet ainaviskos skatus un tad dodieties uz mūsu kafejnīcu, lai baudītu gardu maltīti un dzīvās mūzikas … Read More

Opening Hours during Easter

Dear Guests, We are open during Easter on 29., 30., 31.03. and 01.04. from 11:30 until 18:00. Happy Easter!

Musical afternoon with the Latvian band ‘Esslingens Orķestris’

Dress up and enjoy a crazy evening on one of the most beautiful peaks in the northern Black Forest with the Latvian band `Esslingenas Orķestris`! Food and drinks will be provided during the event at the restaurant bar. Date: 10.02.2024, … Read More

Opening Hours on Christmas and New Years

Dear guests, our opening hours on Christmas and New Year’s Eve are 23.12. and 24.12.2023 open at 11:30 to 18:00, 01.01.2024 closed. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Ukranian Food Specialty Day

On Saturday May 21st, we will offer Ukrainian dishes in collaboration with women from Ukraine who live as refugees in Bad Herrenalb.Of course, in the menu will also be borsch – a traditional dish of Ukraine. The women are very … Read More